CIIUNCR of GOD o eW(J CIIUNCR of GOD o eW(J June, 1966 NASHVILLE BECOMES DISTRICT HDQRS. Chicago District Bids Farewell to NASHVILLE by Ken Wingham As the work continues to grow, we all know that changes have to be made. Our minister, Mr. Bob Steep with his wife and daughter are moving to Evansville. The Nashville Church was raiseo up by Mr. Steep with 147 (twenty-one seven's) of God's people present for the very first service on October 10, 1964. Since that time the growth in the area has been phenomenal! On February 12, 1966, we topped the 300 mark for the first time and have fallen under 300 only one time since then. If the Nashville Church continues to grow at the present rate in the next 18 months, as we did the first 18 months, we will have over 650 attending every Sabbath. Mr. Steep certainly has set a very fine example of dedication and love for all of us to follow and he really will be please continue on page 5 Nashville and Evansville Churches EVANSVILLE by William Ogden On November 10, 1962-154 people assembled in the LO.O.F. Hall in Harrisburg, I\linois. In 1962, it was not uncommon to drive a total of 400 miles or more round trip in order to hear God's Ministers in this area. What a blessing to have a church practically in your "back yard." By early 1964, we began to outgrow the building at Harrisburg and prayer and fasting were begun for a new location. God placed His name at Evansville, Indiana at the YMCA and on June 6, 1964, the Harrisburg, I\linois Church became the Evansville, Indiana Church. Mr. Hal Baird, our Minister at the time, was assigned to a nation wide baptizing tour and during' this time, Mr. Bob Steep preached Gods' word to both the St. Louis, Missouri and the Evansville, Indiana Churches. please continue on page 5 Chicago Lakell"ont Scene 01 Pentecost reast Spacious McCormick Place on Lake Michigan at 22nd Street was God's choice for observance of the vitally important Day oj Pentecost. With a background of Lake Michigan bustling with sailboats and airplanes about 1140 of God's people listened attentively through the morning and afternoon services. Again, the marked growth of God's work in the Midwest area was evident. Just 3 years ago, about the same number of people met in the same room to observe the same day of Pentecost. THEN, practically every church in the district was present. BUT NOW, in 1966, there was room for only the 3 Chicago area churches! Pentecost services were simultaneously held in SEVERAL locations in the Chicago district. @HUJRCH of GOD '..... ,' AeWJ Editor-in-Chief ...... Bill McDowell Ministerial Advisor. Allen Manteufel Editor ................Wilbur Ball News Editors ..... Harold Stocker Jim Howell Jack Freel Business Manager ..... Ted Efimov Regional Reporters Chicago .......... Fred Mancewicz LaGrange .........Dick Alexander Chicago South ........ Elisha Crim Danville ........ Gene Scarbrough South Bend .... Raymond Johnson Grand Rapids .. Roland Van Slooten Indianapolis ...... Donald Hofmann Milwaukee ....... Lyle Vershowske Minneapolis . . . . . . .. Russell Brown Nashville .... . . ..... Ken Wingham Peoria ..............Jean Dawson Evansville .... , .....William Ogden Duluth ........................ . Richland Center ................ . Photographers . Wilbur Vandermolen Ihor Karpowitz Circulation ........ Gene Madison © 1966 by Radio Church of God Address all correspondence to the Editor. Notify us immediately of any changes of Address. Circulation over 2600. Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Ball: This letter of appreciation goes to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Verble and JUrs. Ernest Arney who aftend at the Evansville Church, Mrs. Frances Byron and her daughters Vickie and Debhie. Thank you too, Barry. Mr. Duncan, I appreciate your patience and thoughtfulness ahout helping in getting the children's and my "duds" from the motel to the armory. A special thanks goes to the Messrs. Walker, Batson, and Hinson. Thank you too Mr. Wingham for your gift of food. This was the first Feast I have ever attended. It was truly a blessing to us. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Delmar Anderson Nashville, Tenn. On, left is Deacon Fred Mancewicz in pensive pose as Chicago Local Elder, Joseph Tkach relates the news that he'll be leaving this District to broaden his knowledge and experience at A mhassador College, Pasadena. Be sure to read the July issue of the Chicago Church of God News for the personal hackground of Mr. Tkach. MUSIC MAN by Jack Freel Has it ever occured to you that many Sabbath services end with a hymn that contains in its lyrics some of the same thoughts that were expressed in the sermon? If you have noticed this "coincidence," be assured that it was no accident! Our song leader, Mr. Fred Mancewicz, has mentally cataloged the words of many of the tUlles cont1ined in our Church Hymnal so that he can nuke an appropriate selection as he strides eagerly up to the podium. Years ago he applied Thomas Edison's "10% inspiration and 90% perspiration" formula to learning hymns by practicing at home in East Hazelcrest and rehearsing the songs with his wife and five children as he drove the 20 miles to Wozniak's Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Mancewicz came into this congregation 8 years ago and have seldom overlooked an opportunity to partICIpate or serve others in an area that has grown and branched out from the "seed" on Kedzie Avenue to the giant Chicago District of today. He is a charter member and past President of our Spokesman Clubs, charter member and President of the Choir, and has been a Reporter for this newspaper since it was big enough to need a staff. He took principal parts in both Chorale Concerts, and I am sure that those who saw him leading "76 Trombones" will long remember that opening number last year. After long years of fealty, performance and service, he was ordained into the office of Deacon on the Day of Pentecost, 1964. Many of us have had opportunities to serve and be of help, but Mr. Fred Mancewicz has pursued them with perserverdnce to make himself a much-loved and invaluable pillar in Chicago. GRAND RAPIDS FINDS POLKAS FUN! Cool May weather and lively polka strains stirred even the wary bachelor to all-out efforts at the May 28 Grand Rapids Social. Some 210 brethren helped crown this final Social of the '65-'66 season, "King of them all!" So while the south side of Koscillzki Hall fittingly fulfilled the purpose of its founding fathers, alternate moments of anxiety and unbounded joy filled the north room as youngsters fe-lived the perilous adventures of the feature movie, "My Dog Shep." A potluck supper kicked off the evening of fellowship and fun. 2 IN AND AROUND CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Ackerson CHICAGO-HAZEL SCHLITT • It is nice to have MRS. JOYCE HITCH back with us again after an absence of a few months. • Several ladies attended a luncheon given for Mrs. Jos. Tkach and Mrs. Glen Ackerson at the home of Mrs. Oscar Olson. As you probably knowthe Tkach's are leaving for Pasadena in August. • FAREWELL -MR. AND MRS. GLEN ACKERSON are moving to Ohio and expect to attend the Akron Church. They have been active, helpful members here for nearly 5 years and we are going to miss them. Have a Happy trip! • CONGRATULATIONSMR. AND MRS. GENE BREMER just recently became parents for the first time. They have a fine healthy son born May 21, whom they named Garrett. • MRS. MARGARET ENGH retired last month. Now that she has free time it will give many of us the opportunity to get together with her more often. • MR. AND MRS. EUGENE BEYERSDORFER attended the graduation and Wedding of their son Karl in Texas. Karl and his bride-the former Miss Gaylon Smith then visited his family here in Chicago and a few close friends were invited Mrs. to a dinner given for the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell also attended as special guests. SOUTH SIDE-ESTHERLENE HOLMES • JOHN THURMOND and GLENN CHRISTIAN have been attending services at the Indianapolis Church since entering the l-W work program in that city . • The South Side Church is a growing one. The attendance for May 14 was tops at four hundred and four . • Good news from Nassau-KINGSLEY MATHER reports that twenty-seven people excluding Mr. and Mrs. James Kunz attl!nded the second Bible Study given there. Mr. Mather, who spent nine months with us, hopes to attend the Feast of Tabernacles in Texas. • Welcome to JOHN BURNETT from Kansas; ZACK DUMAS from Yellow Bluff, Alabama, and MARTIN MANUAL of Cincinnati, Ohio. How nice it was to see MR. HAROLD GOODSPEED from Portland, Oregon. He attended Pentecost services in Greensboro, North Carolina, and paid us a visit before returning home.• A dinner was given for the men on the moving team on May 15. The ten men feasted on turkey and trimmings, assorted salads and fruit, rolls, wine, German Chocolate cake and ice cream. The sumptuous feast was sponsored by some of the widows. LA GRANGE NEWS-LILLIAN FOSTER • A big "THANK YOU" to MR. McDOWELL from all of us who attend Bible Study for taking all that time and diligent effort to teach us the first seven chapters of Leviticus, to give us the test, and finally taking all that time and energy to mark every test with such preciseness. What an exciting evening that was when we got our tests back! CONGRATULATIONS to all the children too for getting such fine grades. • MRS. MARY BARNEWITZ is back with us again after spending over a year in California. She feels now that this is the area for her and we are very happy that she has made this decision. • Congratulations to BARRY TOTH. He is a scholarship winner from the Valparaiso High School. He has been se.l.ected to attend a Spanish workshop in Mexico from June 25th to July 16th. He was selected on the basis of academic records, proficiency in third year Spanish and ability to get along with others. It is so nice to see the children of God's people excelling in school. • Welcome to MR. AND MRS. JAMES ·STANLEY and daughter Holly. They have come to us from the Greensboro Church. Now we can learn all about our North Carolina Brethren from them. • It was a pleasant surprise to have MR. GLENN HILL back in La Grange for a few weeks. He left several years ago to go to Pasadena where he has been in charge of the dining hall at the College . He is on his way to Bricket Wood where he will be in charge of the dining facilities in our College in England. • YES-the twins had a sister-Little AMY ANDERSON born on the Sabbath, April 30th. She weighed 7 Ibs., 9 oz. Poor Daddy-4 females to contend with. Mrs. Anderson, Anita and Bonita Amy GRAND RAPmS SPOKESMEN I'E'I'E I.ADIES by Vic Johnson As a finale to the 65-66th Club Season, 59 Grand Rapids viet; Center: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warner; Right panel: Frank Spokesmen, wives, and guests met June 18th for Dining and McCrady, Jr., and Miss Kim Fritts. Frank has since returned Dancing at Scotty's Restaurant, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Left to Ambassador College, Big Sandy. panel are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kie 3 PENTECOST -Indianapolis The eyes of the world were focused on the city of Indianapolis May 30th, as the world famous "500" got under way. Across the city another event was being observed. Unnoticed by the world, but very important in the eyes of God, this year the Feast of Pentecost was held in the newly built but not yet decorated Eastside YMCA Annex. Mr. and Mrs. John Bald Mr. Virgil Thompson gave the morning sermonette on "Enthusiasm" followed by Mr. John Bald who gave the meaning and purpose of the Feast days, building the main body of the sermon on Pentecost. At noon an abundant pot-luck meal was served to 492 people, who ate heartily and engaged in fellowship. Mr. Thompson prepares sermonelte. Chicago, l.aGrange Bea.. M ... Pinelli Seven years is a long time-especially if you have been away from "home" that long! In Mr. Pinelli's case, however, he was away in God's service as minsiter of the Edmonton, Alberta church in Canada. He was here in the Chicago area visiting family and relatives. During Sabbath services on June 11, brethren in the LaGrange and Chicago churches were privileged to hear him speak and meet him and his family. Mr. Pinelli is married and has two children. Not many recall when he first came to the very small Chicago church back in April 1956. Mr. Raymond McNair was the pastor at that time. In September of that year, Mr. Pinelli began attending Ambassador College in Pasadena. Since then, except for the summers of 1957 and 1958 and a visit in 1959 he has not been in Chicago. In the afternoon, Mr. Gene Scarbrough. deacon from the Danville Church, gave a sermonette on the power of God which is available to us. Mr. Bald then spoke again, this time on "What is the Holy Spirit," reminding us of the blessings of being able to meet in peace with an abundance of food. Mr. and Mrs. Scarbrough by Jim Howell Mr. Pinelli graduated from Ambassador College in 1961. "It was a fantastic education," he says. Shortly after graduation, he was sent to Canada where he has served until now. He reports that 300 attend the Edmonton church of which nearly 200 are of pure German stock! Nearly half of those attending are children-they believe in large families there. God's work in Canada is moving forward. Mr. Pinelli is looking forward to the raising up of another new church soon in Calgary. At the present time. there are 7 churches and 4 Bible studies in all of Canada. Every major city in Canada has a radio station carrying the World Tomorrow broadcast or is covered by such a station. Let's be sure to remember this area of God's work in our prayers. Mr. Richard Pinelli 4 (continued from page 1) NASHVILLE missed by everyone. Mr. Steep is being replaced by Mr. Bryce Clark who will continue to be assisted by Mr. Carl Franklin. Since Mr. Clark is one of the leading ministers of Pastor rank, we know that the Nashville brethren will soon come to love him as we have Mr. Steep. Mr. Clark was District Superintendent over the Kansas City District until last January. The new Nashville District will be one of the largest in the U. S. consisting of: Ashville, N. C., Knoxville, Tenn., Memphis, Tenn., Tupelo, Miss., St. Louis and Columbia, Mo., Cincinnati, Ohio, Lexington, Ky., Evansville, Ind., and, later on, a new church is due to be raised up in Louisville, Ky. So you can see Mr. Clark will be a man on the move. With all of God's ministers traveling so many miles, counseling and working far into the night, we all need to pray fervently for their protection and health. (continued from page 1) EVANSVILLE Although Evansville has continually lost people going to different Church areas, the Evansville Church has a record attendance approaching double its beginning. From a small beginning at Harrisburg, Illinois, Gods' Church in this area blossomed to a larger congregation at Evansville, Indiana; a new Church at Nashville, Tennessee; Spokesman Clubs at Evansville and Nashville. Now, a new change has come, for Evansville is being made part of a new Church District. The raising up of a new district is proof of the tremendous growth to take place in this end time. We at Evansville are very happy that Mr. Bob Steep will be Minister at Evansville and will be located here. Although actual future plans have not been officially announced, we are striving to put on the full armor of Jesus Christ and we are FASTENING OUR SAFETY BELTS because we know from past experience that something is bound to happen and that Gods' Church is going to surge forth. So, we won't say farewell, but rather, we will extend an open invitation to all of you to drop in on us if ever you are near this area. PENTECOST South Bend, Grand Rapids 700 HEAR HOLY SPIRIT EXPOUNDED Another Pentecost has ticked off and been recorded in time. Was its passing in the "count-down" of Holy Days a memorable one for you? About 700 South Bend-Grand Rapids brethren rejoiced to get her at Gobels (Mich.) high school hearing the Holy Spirit stirringly expounded by four of Gods' ministers on its Pente cost anniversary. Local Elders James Reyer and Allen Bullock divided the morning meeting. Minister Frank McCrady was the principal speaker following a sermonette by Mr. Roland Van Slooten which opened the afternoon session. Delightful musical interludes were furnished by a precise South Bend Chorale singing, "0 Thou From Whom All Bless ings Come," by Tchaikovsky, and "Praise We Sing to Thee," by Hayden. A bountiful noon potluck spilled over into an enjoyable repeat performance by many brethren prior to the journey home! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steep Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mattson Mattson's Make Move by Dr. Harold Scheidt Mr. Ken Mattson, ministerial assistant to Mr. Bob Steep, Nashville-Evansville, since August 1965, has been transferred to the st. Louis area to assist Mr. Hal Baird, Jr. Just before the Feast of Tabernacles last fall Mr. Mattson took as his bride the lovely Elaine Heaton. The Mattsons became acquainted while attending Ambassador College. The Nashville-Evansville people came to love this young, devoted and dedicated couple, as will the people in the St. Louis area. The brethren of the Nashville-Evansville area will miss them very much. BRITISH MAil SKYROCKETS From all over the British Isles and western Europe an everincreasing flow of letters is pouring in from people writing to the work for the first time. As people have mentioned in their letters, they have heard the broadcast at home while, shaving or over a meal at work, on a picnic, over a car radio, or accidentally tuning to find another station, or even in a pub! Their attention has been caught by the arresting words of Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong. With the arrival of the off-shore commercial radio stations and the breaking of the BBC stranglehold, the Work of God in Britain, after 12 years of steady, but slow, growth, is now skyrocketing! Since Radio Luxembourg opened to us, the new mail we have received has been about the same figure each year totalling about 3,500 -4,000. But now look at the figures for new mail received in April for the last four years. April 1963 -675 For year . . . ...... . . .. 4,198 April 1964 -363 For year ............ .......... 4,057 April 1965 -827 For year . . . .. .. 11,486 April 1966 -2386 For first 4'/2 months of 1966 .. . . 11,733 In the one year since Radio London opened in January 1965, the new mail has increased so that we now receive more letters in one week than we did in a whole month a year ago. Each one of these people is placed on The Plain Truth mailing list. A mailing list which in just 12 more months could be reaching 150,000 right here in this office; a list that just 5 years ago was less than 20,000. 5 CONGRATULATIONS JUDY Chicago wishes to WELCOME HOME SCHULER. Judy and Gerfrom Ambassador College ald Chapman are to be -Pasadena: Vivian Prickmarried July 21 in Pasaett, Judy Huntsinger, Shardena. on Sturm, Kenneth Peter .. .. .. son, Gary Vance and Dick Bruises. blisters, bumps, Wiedenheft. From the col Judy Schuler sore feet and FUN could lege in Big Sandy: Susan be the words to describe the ROLLER Kaminski and Karen Sterl- SKATING PARTY held for the teenV. Prickett ing. Expected home soon agers of the South Bend area. May 26 from the college at Bricket Wood, Engwas the date at the Happy Valley Rink land: Bruce Vance, John Stanciu and in Columbia City. Everyone enjoyed the John Homyk. skating so much that another party was planned for the following Thursday. .. .. .. Music and happy voices were heard in the Orchard School in Indianapolis as the Prom dance got under way June 12. Mrs. Wineinger, Sandra Sparks, Mrs. Hofmann, Mr. and Mrs. Cross, Mr. Kiger, and Steve Fisher participated in the fun show. D. Wiedenheft S. Sturm G. Vance Swinging ioto Spring. The evening of June 19 found over 150 Chicago, LaGrange, Indianapolis, South Bend and Danville young people "Swinging into Spring" at the 1966 summer formal Prom. The beautiful ballroom of the Oak Park Arms Hotel in Oak Park, Illinois reverberated with the swinging sounds . . . of a professional four-man combo. Men in fresh white tuxedos and pretty girls in floor length gowns, decorated with colorful flowers, danced until 11 :00 P.M. in this cultural setting. The refreshments were served on what resembled a king's banquet table. Many of the attractively prepared cookies, finger sandwiches and the like were offered on sterling silver platters placed between two candelabras and a lovely center floral piece. All this was the result of planning by Mrs. McDowell and her able assistants. Music wasn't all that vibrated that large center chandelier! Laughter was loud when Byford Edwards told the story of "Rindacella" (a take-off on the fairy tale of Cindarella) in the fun show. Later the audience heard from such well-known star preformers as Nancy Kurtz with a piano selection, and Starr Leatherwood doing a very graceful ballerina dance. Those graduating from high school were called forward and several pictures were taken. Many others graduating from junior high school were present also and they can remember this as their prom, too. This was a truly unique young peoples' activity. The tenor and tone of the whole occasion was that of quality and elegance. 6 MILWAUKEE SPOKESMAN CLUBS DINNER by W alter Westphal It is always fair weather When Spokesmen get together! And it certainly was a wonderful day Sunday, May 22nd when the combined A and B sections of the Milwaukee Spokesmen converged on one of the most beautiful spots in the northern Milwaukee suburbs, The Chalet on the Lake. A Swiss Chalet in itself spells beauty in architecture and surroundings, but when you find such a spot on a high bluff overlooking Lake Michigan, far away from highway traffic and the hustle and bustle of worldly activities, then you have found the ideal place to meet with your ministers, your brethern and their wives for a combined dinner and spokesman club meeting. Credit goes to Mr. Clarence Kleier and his deputies, Mr. Gordan Matschulat and Mr. Ray Brown for finding this place and organizing the numerous details to a point where everything went like clockwork. An unscheduled but delightful songfest around the piano, a simple and tasty meal and an overall feeling of "blending" contributed to making this a most successful and enjoyable get-together. Dancing and socializing in "The Bistro," which opened up to the patio, topped off the evening. It seemed that nobody really wanted to go home-most of us stayed to the last, singing around the piano, or listening to folksongs of long ago; and when we finally departed, it was with a feeling of regret mixed with a secret wish that we could do this more often. r;IJ. ~ Z ~ .i!/ ~ 0 Q -QI :E .... .9 0 •i!/ .... is Q '-' rI1 ~ .". = f 0 0 ~ .". = = 0 ..... .... ~ .... :a ~ =c;,) .9 U ~ =::: ~ = U